Find Jobs / FDM Group / FDM Group Software Developer - Relocate to China
FDM Group
Type of job
Minimum academic requirements
Bachelor degree
Degree requirements
>85% WAM (High Distinction)

FDM Group Software Developer - Relocate to China

FDM Group is a leading IT graduate employer recruiting, training and deploying graduates across the globe. The FTSE 250 award-winning employer has worked with some of world’s most reputable organisations.

Being a software developer will give you exciting roles like collaboration with stakeholders. It is the primary role of the software developer to provide, design, develop and deliver software or technology solutions to the clients. The training for the position will occur in FDM Sydney Pop-Up Academy. Upon completion of the training, you will work with the Chinese clients for two years and after that two years, you will have the ability to choose which role you would like to take inside FDM.

Verbal Reasoning Tests
Numerical Reasoning Test
Inductive Reasoning Test